Old Bristolians RFC
Memorial Playing Field, Longwood Lane
Failand, Bristol BS8 3TQ
Telephone: 01275 392 137
Website www.obrfc.co.uk
Colours: Maroon, Amber and Green
President: Rich Berry 07917 275 090
Email: president@obrfc.co.uk
Chairman: Tristan Fowler 07703 067 502
Email: tjhfowler@hotmail.co.uk
Secretary: James Marshall 07515 276 155
Email: james.marshall@clarkewillmott.com
Treasurer: Robert Davies 07966 308 095
Email: treasurer@obrfc.co.uk
Men’s Contact: Jack Paffett 07776 221 375
Women’s Contact: Aimee Kelly 07716 385 422
Email: aimee_c_kelly@hotmail.com
Fixtures Secretary / Referee Contact
Janek Szkoda 07515 535 179
Email: fixtures@obrfc.co.uk
Mini & Junior Chair: Cath Johnstone
Email: juniorchairman@obrfc.co.uk
updated: 9.12.2023
Old Colstonians RFC
The Pavillion, Collegiate School, Bell Hill Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BJ
Website: www.ocrugby.co.uk
Colours: Blue and Gold Hoops (Home)
Chairman: Matt Leek 07463 075 195 matthewleek84@gmail.com
Secretary: David Moss 07779 153 522 david.moss@live.co.uk
Treasurer: Kieran Laxen 07841 044 722 kieranlaxen@hotmail.com
Fixtures Secretary: Matt Leek 07463 075 195 matthewleek84@gmail.com
Old Elizabethans RFC
Severn Rd, Hallen, Bristol, BS10 7RZ
Website: https://www.oldelizabethansrfc.com
Chairman: Dom Swann 07816 762 622
Secretary: Dan Leach 07882 464 088
Treasurer: Robin Cherry 07465 999 414
Fixture Sec: Alex Lee 07989 209 841
Old Redcliffians RFC
Scotland Lane Bristol BS4 5LU
Telephone: 01179 778 501
Website pitchero.com/clubs/oldredcliffians
Colours: Red & Black
Chairman: Jon Caddick 07717 731 389 jon.caddick@briggs.uk.com
Secretary: Paul Bigwood 07778 573 186 paul.bigwood@castrol.com
Treasurer: David Creber 07825 325 189 david.creber@computershare.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary: Jon White 07904 522 065 emailwhi616@aol.com
Minis & Juniors Fixture Secretary
Charlie Sprague 07828 665 679 char_s190@blueyonder.co.uk
Referee Contact: Jon White 07904 522 065 emailwhi616@aol.com
last updated 29/11/2023
Oldfield Old Boys RFC
Shaft Road, Bath, Somerset, BA2 7HP
01225 834 135
Website: https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/oldfieldoldboys
Colours Maroon and Amber
Chair - Pat Bunton 07539 787 726
Secretary: Steve Godwin 07773 446 327 stevegodwin36@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Pat Bunton 07539 787 726 pb@lcplc.co.uk
Fixtures Sec: Chris Quintin 07973 839 499
Southmead RFC
Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol. BS10 5PY
Telephone: 01179 593 060
St Bernadettes Old Boys RFC
Bamfield Road, Whitchurch,
Bristol, BS14 0XA
Telephone: 01275 891 500
Colours: Green and Blue
Chairman: Eddie Quirk 07825 058 016; eddie.quirke@rexel.co.uk
Secretary: Richard Blacker
Treasurer: Matt Morgan 07877 716 641
Fixtures Sec: Mark Mark Hanson bomb59@hotmail.co.uk
St Brendan’s Old Boys
Coombe Dingle Sport Complex
Coombe Lane, Bristol. BS9 2BJ
Website: https://www.sbobrfc.co.uk
Colours: Maroon and Gold
St Marys Old Boys RFC
Trench Lane, Bradley Stoke
South Gloucestershire BS36 1RY
0800 669 6359
Website: https://www.smobrugby.co.uk
Colours: Emerald Green and Black
Chairman: Steve Cooke 07884 118 848 stevemarkcooke@googlemail.com
Secretary/League Contact
Steve Miller, 07778 301 199 steve.miller@pcpromail.net
Treasurer: Mike Zdybel
Fixtures Secretary/Referee contact
Gary Mascetti 07748 961 250 garyjohnmascetti@gmail.com
Thornbury RFC
Rockhampton Road, Thornbury
South Gloucestershire, BS35 1LG
01454 412 096
Website: https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/thornburyrfc
Colours Black and Amber
President: Graham Bartlett 07527 788 500
Chairman: Geoff Sprackman 07969 429 400
Secretary: Dave Fox 07500 335 223
Treasurer: Steve Bagnall 07974 772 735
Fixtures Secretary: Tony Down 07788 418 086
Junior Chairman: Harry Newton 07836 657 111
Ladies Rugby Contact:
Gemma Tyrrell 07572 646 136
University Bristol Hospitals RFC
Coombe Dingle Sports Complex,
Coombe Lane, Bristol, BS9 2BJ
Website: https://www.ubhrfc.com
Colours Blue, Black, White
Chairman: Richard Hill 07958 582 298 chairman@bristolharlequins.com
Secretary: Sam Beresford 07720 202 310 secretary@bristolharlequins.com
Treasurer: Tony Watts 07766 090 584 treasurer@bristolharlequins.com
Fixtures Secretary: Mark Ralph 07828 333 184 info@bristolharlequins.com
University of Bristol RFC
Shaftesbury Park, Frenchay,
South Gloucestershire, BS16 1LG
Telephone: 0117 957 5585
Website: https://www.dingscrusaders.com
Colours: Royal Blue and Black Hoops
University of West of England RFC
School Road, Frampton Cotterell,
South Gloucestershire BS36 2DA
Telephone: 01454 856 628
Website: www.pitchero.com/clubs/framptoncotterell
Colours: Dark Green Black and Gold
Wells RFC
Charter Way, Wells, Somerset BA5 2FB
Telephone: 01749 672823
Website: http://www.wellsrfc.co.uk
Colours: Black and White hoops
Chair: Ben Knight 07545 926 724 bk@oneillsuk.com
Secretary: Fliss Watts 07840 239 808
Safeguarding Officer (CSO): Tom Payne
07713 758 274
Fixture Sec: Ben Knight 07545 926 724
Mini & Juniors Fixture Secretary: Sam Crew 07979 978 247 samcrewwrfc@gmail.com
Referee Contact: Ben Knight
07545 926 724 bk@oneillsuk.com
Mini & Junior Secretary: Fliss Watts
07840 239 808 felicity-14@hotmail.co.uk
Women & Girls Lead: Laura Cooper
07764 474 981
Weston-super-Mare RFC
Recreation Ground, Sunnyside Road,
Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset,
BS23 3PA
Club Website: www.westonrugby.co.uk
General enquiries: secretary@westonrugby.co.uk
Club Colours: Royal Blue
President: Roger Coles 07966 514 533
Email: president@westonrugby.co.uk
Chair: Alex Larkin: 07836 204 946
Email: chair@westonrugby.co.uk
Secretary: Ann Davies 07769 783 971
Email: secretary@westonrugby.co.uk
Treasurer: David Main, 07881 512 332
Email: treasurer@westonrugby.co.uk
Head of Communications: John Harding
07860 885 602
Email: media@westonrugby.co.uk
Head Coach: Dave Burge 07759 239 027
Email: headcoach@westonrugby.co.uk
Fixture Secretary (seniors):
John Harding 07860 885 602
Email: media@westonrugby.co.uk
Fixture Secretary (Girls): Angharad Davies
Fixture Secretary (Juniors):
Clayton Dorrington 07732 374 147
Email: juniorslead@westonrugby.co.uk
Fixture Secretary (Minis): Gemma Sparrow
07889 916 404
Email: minislead@westonrugby.co.uk
Discipline Officer: Tony Bush
Email: discipline@westonrugby.co.uk
Safeguarding Officer: Emma Hughes
Email: safeguarding@westonrugby.co.uk
Whitehall RFC
Speedwell Playing Fields, Foundry Lane, Speedwell Bristol BS5 7UE
Telephone: 01179 659 636
Website www.pitchero.com/clubs/Whitehall
Colours Myrtle and Gold
Chair: Bev Colton 07462347269
Email: bevjcolton@hotmail.com
Secretary Diane Cann 07879 632 976
Email: dianecann@blueyonder.co.uk
Treasurer. Simon Bishop 07887 421 794
Email: bishman9@msn.com
Fix Sec. Kev Smith 07716 467 050
Email: kevsmith002@gmail.com
Director Of Rugby Steve Price
07969 813 149
Email: price3966@me.com
Mini and Juniors Fixture Secretary
Charlie Rodriques 07831 858 719
Email: crodriquesht2k@aol.com
Referee Contact Bill Davies 07811 612 179 Email: billdavies46@hotmail.com
Club Coach Paul Fincken
Email: finks2@hotmail.com
Mini and Juniors Secretary Tania Skuse 07779513282
Email: tania25410@blueyonder.co.uk
Mini & Junior Chair Gerry Pearcey 07798727384
Email: gerrypearcey58@gmail.com
Winscombe RFC
The Recreation Ground, The Lynch, Winscombe, North Somerset, BS25 1AZ
Telephone: 01934 - 842 720
Club Website: winscomberfc.co.uk
Colours: Black and White
President: Graham Buller 07771 960 794
Email: graham.buller@florislondon.com
Chairman: Andrew Bridges 07876 418 426
Email: chair@winscomberfc.co.uk
Secretary: Laura Thomas 07941 875 623
Email: secretary@winscomberfc.co.uk
Treasurer: Mark Jelbert 07879 999 680
Email: mark.jelbert@thatcherscider.co.uk
Fixture Sec: Ryan Robinson 07739 462 742
Email: wrfcryan@hotmail.co.uk
Club Coach: James Vecchio 07845 761 852
Email: jamesvecchio32@gmail.com
Chairman: Nathan Rogers 07969 902 221 Email: nathan@rhtoolhire.co.uk
Secretary: Lora & Paul Statton
07949 030 500 / 07976 441 279
Email: thestattons10@gmail.com
Head Coach: Gareth Waterfield
07810 863 187
Email: gareth.waterfield1980@hotmail.com
Ian Rudge - 07761 649 806
Email: Rudgie@outlook.com
updated 25/11/2023
Yatton RFC
The Park, North End, Yatton,
North Somerset BS49 4DA
website: https://www.yattonrugby.com
Colours: Black and Gold
Chairman Jason Clarke 07896 590 862 chairman@yattonrugby.com
Secretary Tula Harwood 07768 168 521 secretary@yattonrugby.com
Treasurer Graham Goodhind
07951 450 881
Fixtures Ashley Skuse 07545 178 635 ashskuse@yahoo.com
updated: 27/11/2023
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