Dings CrusadersRFC
Shaftesbury Park, Frenchay,
South Gloucestershire, BS16 1LG
Telephone: 0117 957 5585
Website: https://www.dingscrusaders.com
Colours: Royal Blue and Black Hoops
Chairman - Steve Lloyd 07717 860 839
Secretary - Ian Haddrell 07770 265 105 i.n.haddrell@hotmail.co.uk
Treasurer - Jeff Kemp 07724 069 393 jk007f3353@blueyonder.com
Director of Rugby - Stean Williams 07971 092 119
Referee Contact - Non-national league
Terry Webb 07792 507 862
Referee Contact - National League
Rob Stevens 07974 250 158 robstevens.dingsrfc@gmail.com
Mini & Junior Chair
Andy Plummer 07990 757 535 andyplumm89@hotmail.com
Minis and Juniors Secretary
Baz Johnson 07749 701 270 media@dingsrugby.co.uk
Frampton Cotterell RFC
School Road, Frampton Cotterell,
South Gloucestershire BS36 2DA
Telephone: 01454 856 628
Website: www.pitchero.com/clubs/framptoncotterell
Colours: Dark Green Black and Gold
Chairman - Dave Ashwin 07825 227 589 fam.ashwin119@gmail.com
Vice Chairman - Tom Bohr 07963 408 304
Secretary - Martyn James 07915 824 095 martyn.james62@gmail.com
Treasurer - Ian Davidge 07855 695 532 iandavidge@hotmail.co.uk
Fixtures Sec - Nathan Cole 07971 616 287 nathan_cole_ee@hotmail.com
Junior Chairman - Jake Darby 07900 700 245
Gordano RFC
Caswell Lane, Portbury,
North Somerset BS20 7UF
Telephone: 01275 373 486
Website: https://www.gordanorfc.co.uk
Colours: Red and Black
Chair - Don Mowbray 07734 717 437
Secretary - Ben Livings 07979 918 498
Treasurer - Harry Ashwin 07495 629 266
Safeguarding Officer - Hannah Jones
07425 056 980
RugbySafe Lead - Kevin Jones 07425 056 980
Fixture Secretary - Ian Pope 07411 461 804
Mini & Juniors Fixture Secretary
Mel Whittaker 07748 637 699
Referee Contact - Ian Pope 07411 461 804
Mini & Junior Chair - Mel Whittaker
07748 637 699
Women & Girls - Gill Gillings 07769 998 733
Hornets RFC
Hutton Moor Road, Weston-super-Mare,
North Somerset BS22 8LY
Telephone: 01934 621 433
Website https://www.hornetsrfc.co.uk/
Colours - Black and Amber
Chairman - Stuart Simmons 077773 547 633
Secretary - Steve Fairhurst 07768 514 319
Treasurer - Richard Powell 07807 752 680
Fixtures Sec - Ian Humphris 07770 626 169
Referee Contact - Neil Cowlin 07720 377 053
Club Coach - Jon Richardson 07884 363 115
Mini’s Chair - Anna Latham 07974 356 308
Junior Chair- Pete Frake 07809 436 791
Club Administrator
Rachael Fairhurst 07786 264 222
Imperial RFC
South Bristol Sports Centre, West Town Lane
Bristol BS14 9EA
Website: http://bristolimperial.co.uk
Chairman – Gary Kitchen 07787 240 972
Email: info@bristolimperial.co.uk
Vice chair - Mike Jackson 07766 824 257
Email: info@bristolimperial.co.uk
Treasurer/Secretary – Craig Pullinger
07970 782 060
Email: info@bristolimperial.co.uk
Mini/Junior Chair – Tim Dalton 07824 469 695
Email: info
Tel: 07824469695
Web Master – Kieran Jackson 07939 846 144
Email: info@bristolimperial.co.uk
Keynsham RFC
Crown Field, Bristol Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2BE
Telephone: 01179 872 520
Website: www.keynshamrugby.co.uk
Colours: Yellow & Black
President - John Hibbitt 01179 863 470 jt.hibbitt@googlemail.com
Chairman - Matt Sheehan 07557 105 331 shehog@hotmail.com
Secretary - Maria Seward 07948 557 750 maria@keynshamrfc.co.uk
Treasurer - Paul Brookes 07974 658 508 prbrookes@gmail.com
Fixtures Sec - Ashton Broad 01275 831 605 ashtonbroad18@gmail.com
Chairmen of Juniors
Neil Primrose 07917 451 365 neilprimrose@me.com
Rich Seward 07880 359 376 rseweed@icloud.com
Mini, Juniors and U18s Fixtures
Bob Baber 0117 9407 962 embob@blueyonder.co.uk
Mini and Juniors Fixture Secretary
Sean Garton 07810 300574 garton7@yahoo.co.uk
Kingswood RFC
Grimsbury Road Playing Fields, Grimsbury Road,
Kingswood, South Gloucestershire
BS15 9RA
Telephone: 0117 967 5001
Website: https://www.kingswoodrfc.co.uk/
Chairman - Ian Starr 07403 207 237
Secretary - Nick Hackett 07985 697 110
Treasurer - Fiona Frost 07410 979 046
Fixtures Sec - Mike Gibbs
Clubhouse Manager - Lucy Webb 07780 865 924
Midsomer Norton RFC
Norton Down Playing Fields, Silver Street
Midsomer Norton, Radstock, BA3 2UE
Telephone: 01234 567 890
Website: https://www.midsomernortonrfc.co.uk/
Colours: Cherry & White
Chairman - Alex Davies
Secretary - Ian Tiley 07765 053 225
Treasurer - Robin Browning robinbrowning@pgtax.co.uk
Fixtures Sec - Adrian Rideout 07743 593 271 fixtures@midsomernortonrfc.co.uk
Minis & Juniors - Jon Swift 0784 343 6344
Nailsea and Backwell RFC
West End Park, West End Lane, Nailsea
North Somerset BS48 4BY
Telephone 01275 810 818
Website: https://nailseabackwellrfc.rfu.club
Chairman - Mark Raby 07968 509 673
Secretary - Beverley Ballagher 07528 170 262 secretary@nailseabackwellrfc.co.uk
Treasurer - Robert Vivian 07739 262 754
Fixtures Sec - Richard Billows 07983 464 738 nandbfixtures@gmail.com
Mini and Juniors Chair & Fixture Secretary:
Steve Whitwham 07852 595 741
Referee Contact - Richard Billows 07983 464 738
Women and Girls Contact (over 12)
Emily Fortune 07784 709 262
North Bristol RFC
Oaklands, Gloucester Road, Almondsbury,
South Gloucestershire, BS32 4AG
Telephone: 01454 612 740
Website http://www.northbristolrfc.co.uk/
Colours Royal and scarlet hoops
President - Ken Rendell 01454 772 382
e: ken@forty1.co.uk
Chairman - Steve Bold
Secretary - Rob Evans 01179 409 639
Fixture Sec. - Joe Aczel 07985 740 942
Club Chair of Rugby
Chris Grigg 07557 094 181
Club Chair of Junior Section
Steve Cumberpatch 07482 723 650
Club Steward
Mrs Debbie Yeo - 07887 763 147
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